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What are the best sports for losing weight?

What are the best sports for losing weight?

Dieting alone won’t help you lose weight. The best way is to combine it with a balanced diet and, above all, sport. If you still think you can lose weight without moving, think again, and fast! The best way to lose weight is to combine exercise with your chosen treatment. There are many physical activities […]

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How to get rid of back pain in the car?

How to get rid of back pain in the car?

Back pain can be triggered or aggravated by too much time spent in the car, and sometimes it’s even the cause. Sitting or standing still, as well as vibrations, reverberate throughout the body, and can be the cause of pain. The following article gives some tips on how to alleviate and prevent the pain.

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Laser hemorrhoid surgery

Laser hemorrhoid surgery

Laser surgery has enjoyed great success over the past 15 years, as it limits damage to the tissues surrounding the diseased hemorrhoidal vein. It has to be said that laser hemorrhoid surgery is less cumbersome and less painful. But what is this type of treatment? How does it work? What are the results, and at […]

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Tips for a large penis

Tips for a large penis

The majority of couples attach importance to the sexual plane. To better meet their needs, men don’t hesitate to adopt various techniques to get a big penis and to apply all the tips to get a big penis. The choices differ: there are those who use natural techniques and others who prefer so-called mechanical procedures, […]

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How can I lose weight?

How can I lose weight?

In the world of slimming, a set of techniques and means to lose weight are available. But which one should you choose, and how can you lose weight using these methods? First, let’s remember that the most important thing is to opt for those that don’t cause the yo-yo effect. MedicamentPourMaigrir presents below the various […]

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Back pain: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Back pain: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

As the body’s most indispensable frame, the back is subjected to many assaults. Pain can therefore be felt in any part of the spine. Pain can be felt in the nape of the neck, in the lumbar region… or in the sacrococcygeal region. Let’s take a look at back pain, its causes, symptoms and suitable […]

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Grandma’s anti-hemorrhoid treatments

Grandma’s anti-hemorrhoid treatments

Dilated internal hemorrhoidal veins can be a daily nuisance for sufferers. The itching and excruciating pain caused by bleeding soon become unbearable. Fortunately, nature has provided us with several options that have been handed down from generation to generation in the form of grandmother’s treatment . What are the most effective ways of combating hemorrhoids?

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My penis is too small, what can I do?

My penis is too small, what can I do?

The male population is concerned about the size of its penis, and if a penis is too small it’s very likely to be a problem, not only for the man, but also for his sexual partner. When is a penis too small? And if so, can it harm the couple’s relationship? A man can look […]

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What solutions to adopt to lose weight?

What solutions to adopt to lose weight?

Taking charge of your life and wanting to become a little slimmer is surely the best initiative a woman can take, at some point in her life. But with so many options to choose from, it can be hard to decide which method is right for you. If you’re one of those courageous women who […]

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Back pain, medication?

Back pain, medication?

8 out of 10 people suffer from back pain at least once in their life. The so-called back pain of the century is therefore a trauma that is far too widespread and serious because it often leads to work stoppage or even much more serious outcomes. Scientific progress has led to the development of products […]

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