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All articles published by Complément Minceur

The health and weight loss benefits of Matcha Imperial Tea

The health and weight loss benefits of Matcha Imperial Tea

Matcha tea is a very special variety of green tea. Considered the healthiest, it is packed with benefits. It is grown and prepared differently and, unlike other types of tea, the whole leaf is consumed. Let’s find out all there is to know about this tea with its many properties.

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False habits you think are healthy but slow down your metabolism

False habits you think are healthy but slow down your metabolism

As you may have noticed, some people, even if they overeat, hardly gain any weight! On the other hand, other people, even when they try hard and control their diet, fail to maintain their ideal healthy weight. In this article, we’ll look at five of the habits that slow down metabolism.

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9 physical exercises that don’t burn as many calories as you think

9 physical exercises that don’t burn as many calories as you think

It’s always a good idea to exercise whenever you can. But if your goal is to lose weight, you need to realize that some of your favorite exercises don’t burn calories, at least not as much as you thought. Here are a few examples…

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Easy Training’ series: Exercise 3 – Chair cardio

Easy Training’ series: Exercise 3 – Chair cardio

Did you know that your office chair that keeps you in prison all day can have other very interesting uses? In fact, you can use it to improve your physical condition and stay in great shape! In fact, this Cardio chaise exercise is done using your office chair. You won’t need anything else. You don’t […]

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5 easy ways to eat more dietary fiber

5 easy ways to eat more dietary fiber

Eating enough dietary fiber is important to help prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer. Research also suggests that eating fiber-rich foods could boost weight loss by helping you feel fuller after eating. But most of us only consume half of what we should. Nutritional guidelines recommend 25 to […]

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What are the best probiotics for weight loss and where can I find them?

What are the best probiotics for weight loss and where can I find them?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) definition, probiotics are, and I quote: “live micro-organisms which, when ingested in sufficient quantities, exert beneficial effects on health”. Research on this subject has identified thousands of different probiotics, of which the best-known bacterial strains belong to the genera Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. It’s a well-known fact that an […]

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Omega 3, unlimited health benefits

Omega 3, unlimited health benefits

Fish oil is a common term for two types of Omega 3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These fatty acids are generally found in fish, animal products and phytoplankton. Fish oil is recommended as a source of these Omega 3 fats, as it is the cheapest and most common source of […]

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How can I tell which fats are good and which are bad?

How can I tell which fats are good and which are bad?

Fats are made up of several compounds and are generally soluble in organic solvents and insoluble in water. There are different types of fat: Good and bad! In this article, we’ll explain how to recognize them and in which foods you can find them.

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Signs that you’re magnesium deficient

Signs that you’re magnesium deficient

The majority of men and women suffer from magnesium deficiency and don’t consume enough of this vital substance. Every organ in your body, especially your muscles and heart, needs magnesium to function properly. In fact, this mineral is involved in over 300 biochemical processes within your body. In what follows, we’ll list the most common […]

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To lose weight successfully, avoid these 6 training mistakes

To lose weight successfully, avoid these 6 training mistakes

If you’ve been working out for several weeks and still haven’t started to see results, then chances are you’re doing it the wrong way or making training mistakes. Being aware of the wrong way to train and the effect it will have, will surely help you get the most out of your sports sessions. It […]

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