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MaxSize, another cream for a bigger penis. It seems that penis creams are all the rage these days. More and more men are turning to this solution because, according to their testimonials, it’s faster, more effective and, above all, more discreet.
Today, we’re adding MaxSize to our database of penis enlargement solution tests.
How does it work? What are the ingredients? Are the results permanent? How do you apply it for best results?
So many questions to ask when it comes to buying a penis enlargement cream.
As we’ve just told you, many men prefer rather “quick” solutions for fast results. We all know that taking pills morning and night can be a tiring, even off-putting exercise for many of you. That’s why the market for penis-enlargement creams and gels has flourished of late.
It’s now easier and more discreet to carry a tube or spray in your pocket or bag, ready to apply at a moment’s notice.
However, you need to be well-informed about the results of such solutions!
Let’s face it: permanent penis enlargement is not achieved with creams and gels! These products are intended for occasional, on-demand use. This means you’ll need to apply them before every sexual encounter to get a good erection that reveals the true size of your penis.
An erection is essential for a successful sexual act, especially penetration. Generally speaking, size isn’t that important when you’ve got a good hard-on. But that depends on the man, who has more or less different preferences when it comes to penis size.
In fact, most men are always looking for a bigger penis because:
The results to be expected from a cream like MaxSize therefore stop at each sexual encounter itself, which is already a good compromise for many users.
So, if you’re more interested in permanent results, we recommend you look into penis extenders. Here are a few links to find out more:
The manufacturer of MaxSize clearly states the following on its official website:
Maxize is a highly effective treatment for achieving perfect sexual health and better performance because it :
We can see that these are the promises made/more or less kept by most similar products. The question is: are these promises kept? Two things always help us verify the answers: ingredients and user testimonials.
Fortunately, all manufacturers are required to clearly display the ingredients of their solutions on the packaging and on their official websites. Otherwise, as consumers, we’d be lost.
MaxSize consists of a combination of herbs and natural aphrodisiacs as follows:
Each ingredient has been designed to add a specific plus to the overall MaxSize formula. The following image details the effect of these ingredients:
The cream’s manufacturer highlights its VTT technology. Nothing to do with mountain bike! Rather, Vazogen Transdermal Technology™, an innovative transdermal technology that enables rapid absorption and makes the texture neither greasy nor oily.
Before each sexual encounter, allow about 30 minutes beforehand to apply the cream to your penis. It’s a cream like any other, which you simply put on the palm of your hand and apply directly to your penis, massaging well to ensure total absorption. You’ll feel the effect of menthol penetrating your penis, giving you a cooling sensation that intensifies sensations, especially in contrast to the heat already given off by your sex.
The manufacturer is quick to point out that this cream lends itself well to oral sex, as it has been designed not to bother your partner.
According to the list of ingredients posted by its manufacturer, MaxSize is unlikely to cause any side effects, as all components are of natural origin. Testimonials found on the Internet suggest that this cream works, but not for all users in the same way. We all know that people react differently to this type of product. So it’s ultimately up to the user to find out what works for him.
Finally, and as usual, we try to verify the integrity of the products with the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) in the USA, when possible of course. We spotted a letter sent by this body to the MaxSize manufacturer in 2014, concerning an inspection carried out in their laboratories and in which it was mentioned that certain documents relating to the various packaging and packing processes were missing. It should be noted that manufacturers of any healthcare product are required by law to provide all written guarantees concerning the production system and all related processes.
If you’re interested in this cream, it’s best to buy from the official MaxSize website. This will avoid the risk of counterfeiting and fraud.
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