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Posted by Jean-Marie Besnard

Male Edge, Reviews, Advice & Pitfalls, We reveal everything!

Updated on 24 October 2023.
Rating: 4.5/5. From 2 votes.
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Male-Edge-BasicWe’re back with another penis extender test by the name of Male Edge, to bring as always another well-founded opinion when it comes to penis enlargement solutions.

Let’s remember from the outset that the choice of a penis extender is no easy matter: it’s a decision that needs to be thought through and carefully considered.

And that’s just as well, because for our part, we’re committed to providing you with as much relevant information as possible, to help you make up your mind.

And so.., Male Edge your definitive solution? Can it make the difference and help you regain confidence in yourself and your sexual abilities?

Let’s take a look!

Male Edge Benefits

Male Edge being a so-called second-generationdevice, promises its users results that are bound to be better.

Second generation means that it’s a device that was originally designed differently, and which has benefited from many years of research and improvement to offer even more advantages. It’s another extensor based on the principle of traction on the penis to increase its dimensions.

Right away, the Male Edge manufacturer’s promises:

  • increased penis length ;
  • improved penis thickness and width;
  • more consistent, longer-lasting erections;
  • a significant reduction in penile curvature (peyronie’s case);
  • type 1 medical device;
  • a comfortable, lightweight device;
  • a traction force of up to 2,800g;
  • A well thought-out, reasonable price formula;
  • a money-back guarantee of up to 2 times the price, if the device doesn’t give you the desired satisfaction.

So, this range of advantages is most encouraging. Indeed, when a solution promises improvements well-founded and verified, combined with good value for money and a and a reassuring guarantee, you can’t help but give it a try. But first, let’s take a closer look. Let’s see exactly what Male Edge is, and how it performs.

What is Male Edge? Male Edge?

Compared with other products based on the same concept, Male Edge is a unique device, because it’s very different from the others on the market. Much lighter than other competing products (most of which are made from metal), Male Edge is made from hard-wearing plastic. The rigidity and strength of this type of material make it a particularly safe device. It has been developed to withstand tensile loads of up to 2800 grams.

Male Edgehow does it work?

Everywhere on the web, you read texts evoking this principle of “traction” that you don’t quickly grasp. For the more interested and curious, we explain.

It’s a process of controlled stretching exerted on a part of the body. In simple terms, muscular and dermal tissues are stretched, (harmless) micro-tears are created and new cells are generated. The result is a gain of a few centimetres. It’s important to remember that this is a time-consuming method, but it has a definitive and long-lasting effect compared with other methods.

Male Edge Facile à utiliser

Penile traction is therefore a safe and painless process that will give you a lasting increase in penile length. Clinical studies have shown that many men have experienced a significant increase in penis size. Male Edge promises improvements of up to 5 to 7 centimetres in a short space of time, thanks to well-explained daily use. We note that sales of Male Edge continue to record increases which leads us to say that it works!

The principle of traction is absolutely nothing new, as it has long been used by many tribes to elongate their necks, earlobes or nostrils among other body parts. The great thing about this process is that it allows you to potentiate the natural process of growth without hurting it, of course, since all we’re asking it to do is something it already does all the time: regenerate!

Side effects of Male Edge

The reason the manufacturers have thought of a second (second-generation) version is to offer even greater user-friendliness. Indeed, many users complained about the rigidity of the first devices, as well as the difficulty of wearing them during the day, while standing and working!

The new versions of most of the penis extenders on the market have done a lot to address this issue. Male Edge is one of these innovations, with a design that allows it to remain correctly positioned, whatever happens.

What’s more, Male Edge is certified as a type 1 medical device, which means it must comply with strict and rigorous health standards. It has been tested, then approved by clinical studies that testify to its effectiveness and totally safe use. To cut a long story short (we’re not talking about the penis here!), using Male Edge won’t cause any side effects.

You control the process, deciding how hard you want to pull on your penis. You also decide how long you want to wear it. But you should know that the longer you wear it “daily“, the better the results.

That said, we haven’t come across any notable drawbacks to date. All user feedback, whether on forums or on the official website.
Male Edge Pack

User testimonials

More and more positive user testimonials are coming in from all over the world. Some report that they quickly felt better sensations during intercourse. Yes, the satisfaction with penis use, and not just with penis size, is also very important!

Other happy users have observed an increase penis length quite quickly.

Partners who were completely satisfied and delighted with the changes observed on their companion’s penis were quick to testify, just a few weeks after the first use.

Male Edge results

Male Edge is a healthy, natural alternative to invasive, painful surgery. It helps you to get those extra centimetres you’ve been dreaming of, and therefore greater self-confidence for better sex. And all without having to go under the knife!

But let’s get down to the numbers :

On average, if you use Male Edge for a period of 6 months, you’ll achieve a size improvement of 28% and a thickness of 19% thickness. And, if you continue to use it beyond those 6 months, your penis will continue to grow.

For example, if your penis is currently 17 cm, you can expect to reach a size of almost 23 cm.
If your penis measures 15 cm it should reach 19 cm, if you follow the instructions for use.

It should also be remembered that each individual responds to a treatment in a specific way. The figures given have been verified by most of the users who have testified.

In short, following numerous studies on the use of Male Edge, it has been proven that men using Male Edge and following the recommendations given have gained between 1.5 and 5 cm in length after just 4 months of daily use.

And whatever the result, you can rest assured that your new centimetres will be with you forever. forever!

Last but not least, using this device will not only increase the size and thickness of your penis, but will also give you more powerful erections. This is due to cell regeneration and improved blood flow to the penis. This is another “collateral” effect that reinforces the effectiveness of this solution.

Where to buy Male Edge?

Like other products marketed directly by their manufacturers, Male Edge is available directly on its official website (currently only available in English). This ensures that you’re buying the right product at the right price.
Male Edge is available in 3 formulas : Basic, Extra and Pro depending on your needs, with prices ranging from 140 and 200 euros. Delivery is discreet and if you don’t get the results you want, you’ll be reimbursed the price of your purchase.

Test Male Edge Website verdict

Male Edge is undoubtedly one of the best penis extenders we’ve tested to date. Its quality/price ratio was of interest to us, as the correlation between the quality of the materials and the advanced technology is well justified. The cost remains relatively low and promises excellent results, compared with the current market.

The variety of traction forces is a logical proposition, and users report no discomfort or inconvenience from wearing this device, even during exercise. It’s important for a man to be able to benefit from a treatment of this kind in total privacy.

Finally, when a manufacturer offers to reimburse the full price of the solution in the event of dissatisfaction, that’s a real challenge! Are you up to the challenge? You’re only a few steps or clicks away from your goal!

In any case, it’s a test for you! Approved!

Accédez Au Site Officiel Du Produit

Three packages are available:

MALE EDGE BASIC at $149.99 | Click HERE to order.

MALE EDGE EXTRA at $174.99 | Click HERE to order.

MALE EDGE PRO at $199.99 | Click HERE to order.

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