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Posted by René Ronse

TestoGen, Reviews, Advice & Pitfalls, We reveal everything!

Updated on 22 May 2024.
Rating: 4.5/5. From 2 votes.
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Evaluation, Rating and Critical Review of TestoGen


Product name : TestoGen

Responsible : Muscle Club Ltd.

Official Website :

Language : English

Tiny description : Increase testosterone naturally.

Price : $59.99

Format : Bottle of 120 capsules

Delivery : Fast and free

Guarantee : 60 days (100% money back if not satisfied)

Description of TestoGen :

“TestoGen” is a product to increase testosterone easily, naturally and safely.

Review of TestoGen :

“TestoGen” is a food supplement specially designed to boost testosterone.

It is a product capable of increasing the natural production of testosterone easily and safely!

Indeed, the 11 natural ingredients that make up the new “testogen” formula all have important properties to promote the creation of testosterone:

 – Magnesium:

Magnesium is known to have a number of health benefits, including improved sleep quality and increased testosterone production. One study showed that men taking 750 mg of magnesium per day for 4 weeks saw a 26% increase in their testosterone levels.

 – Vitamin D:

Vitamin D has many benefits, its main role is the mineralization of bones and cartilage, the foundation for the proper formation of muscles.

 – Boron :

Boron is a trace element found in certain fruits and vegetables, it helps to significantly increase testosterone even when taken in small amounts. One study showed that men taking 10 mg of boron per week had a 28% increase in free testosterone and a decrease in estrogen levels.

 – Vitamin K1 :

Vitamin K1 helps keep bones strong and healthy, it also has the ability to promote the absorption of vitamin D, which has been shown to be an effective testosterone booster.

 – Nettle leaf extract:

Free testosterone is important but we tend to have a reduced amount because it binds to the SHGB protein which makes it no longer very useful. Nettle Leaf Extract helps to increase the amount of free testosterone because it also binds to the SHGB protein leaving more free testosterone in your bloodstream which results in better muscle growth and increased libido.

 – D-Aspartic Acid :

D-Aspartic acid is an amino acid that is formed primarily in the pituitary gland and testes, it stimulates the release of sex hormones and is essential in the formation and development of muscle, libido and testosterone.

 – Fenugreek extract:

Fenugreek is an herbaceous plant known to increase sexual desire and pleasure, it helps to maintain vitality, strength and energy and has also been clinically proven to increase testosterone.

 – Extract of Red Ginseng:

Ginseng is a root full of amino acids from Asia, especially known for its aphrodisiac effects it also helps fight against fatigue, stress and physical and mental effort, a study on rodents showed that it could also raise the level of testosterone significantly.

 – Vitamins B6 :

The group of B vitamins is the most important group of vitamins for muscle mass gain since it helps the body convert carbohydrates into glucose, the fuel our body needs to produce energy.

 – Zinc :

Zinc is a trace element known for its beneficial effect on the production of testosterone, it promotes protein synthesis and helps build muscle tissue.

 – Bioperine :

The final ingredient added to the new formula is Bioperine, it is a black pepper derivative that significantly increases the bioavailability of all the other ingredients in the product, it will therefore help increase the body’s ability to absorb the active ingredients in order to maximize “testogen” results.

The use of this natural dietary supplement will provide you with many benefits and will allow you to improve your quality of life in an important way!

Here are some of the benefits of “Testogen”:

 – Increases strength and endurance!
 – Sharpens concentration!
 – Dissipates fatigue!
 – Reduces excess body fat!
 – Increases muscle size!
 – Eliminates irritability!
 – Boosts endurance!
 – Improves muscle tone!
 – Increases libido!

“TestoGen” is an effective product to fight against fatigue and depression to make you a confident, strong, muscular and virile man!

Disadvantage of TestoGen :

“TestoGen” contains only pure and natural ingredients, but since laws are different from one country to another, some herbs may be prohibited, so it is important to check the regulations of the competent authorities of your country concerning the taking of supplements before purchasing this product.

“TestoGen” has no particular contraindication, it is however not suitable for children and it is advised to people suffering from diseases or under medication to consult their doctor before taking this dietary supplement.

Reputation of TestoGen :

The general opinion about “TestoGen” is pretty good, the comments I found on this testosterone booster are mostly positive.

Conclusion for TestoGen :

The food supplement “TestoGen” seems, according to the opinions and comments collected on the Internet, to be an effective product capable of increasing your testosterone level significantly and since it comes with a 60-day money back guarantee, I recommend it without taking too much risk.

Official Website :

Go to the official website: TestoGen

Unfortunately, this product is only available in the following countries : United States, Canada & United Kingdom.

However, you can find an equally effective alternative available worldwide below!



TestoPrime is a dietary supplement for men designed with a well-balanced formula that combines a powerful blend of testosterone boosters with ingredients beneficial to the body. The end product burns fat mass, restores natural testosterone production, and improves muscle tone, health, mood, memory, virility, libido, and energy!

Learn more

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