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Article by Hugo Matis

I want a bigger penis for Christmas!

Updated on 6 February 2025.

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Christmas giftMany teenagers have questions about their sexual organs, and if you’ve given them the floor in the run-up to Christmas and presents, your boy will probably say “I want a bigger penis”!

They may wonder how to get a bigger penis, as they may feel self-conscious about having a sex that’s too small.

Parents should therefore discuss this with them and try to reassure them. They can also try to find other solutions to remedy the problem.

I want a bigger penis: a hidden teenage complex?

Boys always have lots of questions about their sex, such as what size is right for them.
A penis is considered small when it’s less than 15 cm in adult size.
Between 15 and 20 cm, it’s average, and over 20 cm can be awkward. Girls may be reluctant for fear of painful penetration.

Teenagers are also concerned about the curvature of the penis. If this occurs to a slight degree, it doesn’t interfere with sexual intercourse.
Rather, it’s an advantage, as it allows the organ to occupy more space and thus increase pleasure, for both boy and girl.
If this aspect makes penetration difficult, it needs to be corrected. The surgeon then performs an operation to remove a natural flange from the corpora cavernosa or the balanopreputial fold. So don’t hesitate, the problem can be solved.

Various forums have shown that parents need to be aware that teenagers can feel complexed by remarks about the small size of their penis.
They must therefore take the initiative to reassure them by answering the question: how can I make my penis bigger?

And if I really want a bigger penis for Christmas: how do I go about it?

for-christmas-I-want-a-larger-penisBy taking the first step towards teenagers, parents can broach the subject and suggest solutions.

For example, they should not hesitate to tell them about practices designed to enlarge the penis, such as Penile exercises, which amplify the flow of blood. Regular practice produces good results.

They can also talk about pills that can increase the length of the penis by 7 cm and its width by 25%. These results are already visible within the first few weeks. You can find out more about this natural way to enlarge the penis by consulting our dedicated page.

They may also recommend the use of penis extenders. These instruments are effective: the fact that they sell tens of thousands a year worldwide proves it. You don’t know what a penis extender is? read our tests.

They enable the sexual organ to be increased tangibly in a natural way, whether at rest or when erect. It’s more effective than pills.
Surgical intervention can also be considered. Depending on the technique used, it can result in a gain of 1 to 2 cm in width or thickness. However, it is not the appropriate solution in cases of erectile dysfunction.

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